Thursday, July 26, 2007

Beach Weekend - sans phone

I think that there is no coincidence. The 2 years I didn't work in Private Practice I did not lose my mobile phone.

Three months into the job as busy lawyer, and I have lost my first phone. It was in a taxi at 8am this morning, whilst rushing to work with files in hand, took a call which required me to jot something down in the file, bleary eyed from lack of sleep, munching a fruit in the cab, giving directions on the fastest route to get there.... and somewhere in that chaos, I guess I left the phone in the cab.

It's tragic.

Especially because I REALLY need it this weekend. Fab and I are taking Sophie to Qing Dao (yeah, where they make the beer). It's a pretty coastal city and Fab had a meeting there yesterday (finally - somewhere decent!) and so I decided to be the accompanying spouse with Sophie, and took half a day off tommorrow to fly there with Sophie so that we can have the weekend there before coming back to Beijing together. So there in lies the problem, the logistics of arranging to meet and so on without a phone.... We will cut it extremely fine because I will dash from work at 12 noon to the airport to catch our flight at 1:45, but stopping at home at 12:20 to scoop up Sophie. She's running a mild fever, so I am wondering if she is teething again. Great....

Hey - at least we got a camera!

More photos when we come back - I promise. I saw Julius's photos on the Italian beach and I feel quite inspired.

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