What have your father and I done for you this past 2 years?
1) Obviously we fed you and kept you alive and happy ... You are our little "Torinese" as you love love pasta, and when presented with a bread basket, always pick the gristini. You even use gristini to eat pasta sauce.
2) Not limited to feeding your body, we also try to feed your brain by giving you the chance to use your imagination, and you've shown us that you sure have one. Here is the imaginarium toy your Uncle Shaun brought for you from LA at Chinese New Year. You are really good at building all kinds of things with blocks and sticks and all kinds of construction toys - are you going to be a Quant?
3) Part of feeding your brain is to try to expose you to different outdoor experiences, and letting you pursue the things you really like. You really like animals - especially horses.
4) And we try let you acquire social skills by finding you friends that share your love for all things aerial - like balloons, balls, and planes. Here you are with Esteban at Easter figuring out that the balloon is actually tied to you. You seem to only like older children, but we've been trying to expose you to more babies to let you get used to the idea!
But enough about how we have been your willing slaves these last 2 years - what have you done for us lately?
It would seem like nothing, but you've done lots.
Really, LOTS
Just by being your delightful self, you have made the last 2 years truly magical. And we thank you every day for it.
Awwwww.....this is so sweet! I wish my mum would say this to me too!
Oh so so sweet. I'm getting all emotional. What a warm way to start monday's work.
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