Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I wanna Doggiee!!!

Somebody please please please tell my husband that our baby needs a doggie (or at least his wife does at any rate) !!

In the meantime I will have to make do with gushing over someone else's dog. This by the way, is grover. Friend to Barkley...

It sounds crazy, but I find it less embarrassing to make a fuss over someone else's dogs than I do over their babies. Pets are under-rated!



mini said...

i lurrveeeeee doggggies!!! it can double as a playmate for the baby :)..and doesn't the 'perfect' family also include a dog? lol

Anonymous said...

Well, Sharon, today you will meet Gina's Xavier, and perhaps become another of his honorary aunties and admirers....!! Yeah, I want one too....or actually a kitty or a birdy or ANY pet....

Anonymous said...

AAAhhhhhhh!!! cute dogggie! I want also!!

Michael Low said...

As always....you have my full and undying support for doggiekind. I have so much fun with my doggies its just so great. The only problem is when you go away; finding reliable doggie boarders are a pain....