Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Christmas is definitely coming


Christmas is coming, and I have not finished shopping for Christmas presents, nor cards nor anything else. If you do not get anything from Santa this year, it must be because you have been naughty - you must have added 20 mins to your parking coupon or didn't hold the lift for someone rushing to come in or said you had no time to do something when actually you just didn't feel like it... and you THOUGHT nobody was watching...

That is just my excuse for not sending out all my cards and stuff in time.

Anyway I am STILL trying to buy cardboard and poster paints to do that thoughtful little craft project which I said I would.. Paint Christmas cards for my family and friends!! This of course all depends on the feasibilty of it all given that I am still trying to buy the right kind of bloody paper.

Also promised Massimo an Advent Calender covered with pictures of Olga and Camilla.. Still struggling with my box to put photos on it. Also Promised to make Char Siew for Elaine and Marco. And of course I have a work deadline due in 12 days - my own advent calender has started...

You know you can take me out of all my long list of commitments in Singapore, put me in Italy, and what do I go off and do? Go off and over-commit myself again - Fwaghhh!!


Michael Low said...

That's because you are a sweet, responsible person who loves to bless others.

Having said that, the words "hamster" and "wheel" come to mind. Muahahaha...

That's why from long experience, Elena and I have learnt to shop for Christmas starting in June!

Anonymous said...

Haha. Sounds just like me. I have told myself I'm not sending any more Christmas cards, except for e-cards, cos I realised that if I did send it to everyone I wanted to, my postage would cost me close to $50!!!

But making the advent calendar sounds like a fun challenge. :) Do let us know how you get on with that!