My own thoughts on school are entirely practical. It is an excuse to get the kid out of the house, and out of their care-giver's hair. But we can assuage our consciences by telling ourselves that there is some educational merit in this all.
I just started reading about "unschooling/deschooling" and I agree with many of the principles. I haven't finished reading yet to form a real opinion, but the gut feeling so far is that one can still achieve these objectives in the right environment, and this can be a very small school (like Ivy Academy). Ivy actually follows the Multiple Intelligences method (insofar as you can call it one) and it's the only school where Howard Gardner (the guy that coined this term) sits on the board, so it's pretty much the real deal as far as I am concerned !
Fab and I attended our first Parent Teacher Conference last Friday. In the era of the modern child, both parents attend these events. So we were there to discuss Sophie's weaknesses (diplomatically called "challenges") and strengths in school.
In terms of challenges, Sophie has regressed on the toilet-training. Apparently this may be linked to the arrival of Alexandra, but it could also be that she enjoys what she is doing so much that she postpones (unwisely!) the trip to the toilet, despite being asked by the teachers. As a corollary to this, she hates having to clean up an activity which she is still playing with.
My perfectionist daughter will do something (a painting or puzzle) for as long as it takes to get it "right". However in the real world, where everyone works on "clock-time", my feeling is that it's actually good for her to know that not everyone will hang around and wait for her to get things done perfectly (like her long-suffering parents). Apart from this, the teachers say that Sophie is a generally happy child who is a good fit in school. Temperament-wise she is quiet and observant in larger groups but will participate if she has a contribution to make (she loves singing by herself in front of the whole class).
According to the teachers, Sophie seems linguistically inclined. She talks more clearly than most 2 or 3 year olds. It's getting fun speaking with her because (assuming she feels like it) she will carry out a conversation with description/narrative. This is something that appears to surprise the teachers alot, because apparently even 3 year olds don't really do this, and talking about something (as opposed to merely conveying desires) is something which happens later.
Will have to read up on Multiple Intelligences method once I'm past my reading aversion (too many books on education in too short a time).
I've been following your blog. I was wondering if you could share with me if Sophie went thru a phrase where she realizes school is a daily thing and starts saying she doesn't want to go to school?
Hi Angela,
No, Sophie didn't go through a phase about refusing to go to school. Maybe it is because she goes to school only 3 days a week, so she stays at home the other 2 days.
I think next semester I want to increase her to every day school, because she has been asking to go to school to see her friends!
She only cried on the first week of school when she realised that her parents would leave her in school and go away. But once she adjusted to the routine, she's as happy as a clam.
Hi Sharon,
Thanks. :) I was asking around and it seems it's quite a normal phrase for toddlers. I just have to be firm & keep encouraging her.
My daughter, Emma, is turning 3 in Feb and she just started preschool for 5 hours a day a month ago. I guess we are both adjusting to the change cos we've never been separated since her birth!
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